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Kirstyn York

Kirstyn York

Kirstyn is Inspire's bilingual case manager. She was drawn to this field to help bridge the language gap for families with limited English proficiency. In her role as a BDDS waiver case manager, Kirstyn is able to help families obtain services that they were unable to access due to language barriers. 


Prior to working as a case manager, Kirstyn worked as a translator at a local hospital for over 15 years. Six years ago, Kirstyn moved away from the hospital setting and to waiver case management where she has helped countless families and individuals understand waiver services, access countless resources, and navigate complex systems. 

As a case manager, Kirstyn finds particular enjoyment in bearing witness to communication growth between parents and children. Kirstyn states that “seeing the lights turn on and children explode with excitement at being able to express their wants and needs” is one of the most rewarding parts of her job. Whatever an individual desires for their life, Kirstyn will do her best to make sure that it happens. Her dedication to all of the clients on her caseload and their families ensures that she will find needed resources and services so that individuals can obtain their vision of a good life. Outside of waiver services, Kirstyn has witnessed tremendous growth for her clients who attend therapy. Therapy has helped many of her clients learn how to understand each other’s communication style and how best to convey important information.


When Kirstyn isn’t working, she can be found adventuring outdoors, even in the winter! Recently, she has taken up hiking and snowmobiling. Quilting also plays a special role in Kirstyn’s life. Not only does she enjoy quilting personally, but she also shares her love through teaching others. Family is an incredibly important part of Kirstyn’s life. With five children (and a few bonus kids), she stays busy! Three of her five children are currently in college, while two are at home. A newer role for Kirstyn, is the role of grandmother or “Nonna” to her first granddaughter! Watching as her children and grandchildren succeed in life is arguably Kirstyn’s greatest accomplishment. 



Kirstyn York

Contact Information

(317) 695-0819

P.O. Box 42826

Indianapolis, Indiana 46242

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