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Sexuality Resources

In November and December 2019, the Center for Health Equity at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community at Indiana University-Bloomington conducted three focus groups to better understand the sexual health needs of adult women with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) in Indiana. Find their publications and findings here.


As national leaders in the field of sexuality and intellectual, developmental disabilities and autism we offer evidence and trauma informed curriculum, online training, in-services and workshops to help professionals, educators, self-advocates and parents skillfully and confidently navigate the topic of sexuality.

SexEd for Self-Advocates:

This guide is a sexuality and sex education resource written specifically for people on the autism spectrum ages 15 and up.

Self-Advocate Print Resources:

Visual resources that explain a range of topics including puberty, sexuality, gender identity and safe sex for ages 9- young adult.
Online Parent Resources

Relevant resources for parents as they navigate conversations about sexuality, consent, gender identity, and puberty.

Scarleteen: Sex Ed for the Real World:

Scarleteen is an independent, feminist, grassroots sexuality and relationships education media and support organization and website

Sexual Self-Advocacy Pamphlet

From Green Mountain Self-Advocates

Sex Ed By and for People with I/DD: 

Videos and Guidebook

Healthy Bodies: A Parent’s Guide on Puberty for Girls and Boys with Disabilities 

By: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center

Amaze: Disability and Sexuality 

Animated videos for middle school and younger that give you all the answers you actually want to know about sex, your body, and relationships.

Talking About Sexual Violence Toolkit


Elemy: How Best to Handle Puberty in an Autistic Child


(all descriptions are taken from the organizations' websites)

Contact Information

(317) 695-0819

P.O. Box 42826

Indianapolis, Indiana 46242

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